1. Introduction
Manchao He,Professor,State Key Laboratory for Tunnel Engineering
E-mail address: hemanchao@263.net
2. Education Background and Experience
(1)B.E., Jilin University (formerly Changchun College of Geology), Engineering Geology, China, 1978.03-1982.09
(2)M.E., Jilin University (formerly Changchun College of Geology), Engineering Geology, China, 1982.09-1985.05
(3)Lect., Jilin University (formerly Changchun College of Geology), Hydrogeology and Engineering, China, 1985.05-1986.09
(4)Ph.D., China University of Mining and Technology Beijing Graduate Department, Engineering Mechanics, China, 1986.09-1989.07
(5)PD., China University of Mining and Technology Beijing, 1989.09-1991.10
(6)A.P., China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 1991.11-1993.02
(7)Prof., China University of Mining and Technology-Beijing, State Key Laboratory for Geomechanics and Deep Underground Engineering, 1993.02- At Present
3. Research Area
Deep rock mechanics, Rock mass deformation disaster control, Soft rock engineering support
4. Academic Achievement
Obtained over 190 domestic and international invention patents; Published 14 monographs and over 200 academic papers, with 9287 citations and citations both domestically and internationally. Six of them were rated as TOP25 hot papers in international authoritative journals such as "Rock Mechanics and Mining", and six were selected as "China's 100 Most Influential Academic Papers".
5. Awards and Honors
(1) National Outstanding Youth Fund, 1998
(2) Second Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award ,2001
(3) Second Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award, 2003
(4) National Outstanding Postdoc, 2005
(5) Second Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award ,2006
(6) Ho Leung Ho Lee Science and Technology Progress Award, 2014
(7) China Patent Gold Award, 2019
(8) Second Prize of the National Technological Invention Award ,2010
(9) ISRM Technology Invention Award, 2021
(10) China Patent Gold Award, 2023