1. Introduction
Yunjiang Sun, Associate Professor, School of Mechanics and Civil Engineering
E-mail address: yunjiang_sun@cumtb.edu.cn
2. Education Background and Experience
• B.E., Mining Engineering, Shandong University of Science and Technology, China, 2012
• M.E., Mining Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), China, 2015
• Ph.D., Geotechnical Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), China, 2019
• Postdoctoral and Lecturer, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), China, 2019-2023
• Associate Professor, China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 2023-
3. Research Area
Mining Rock Mechanics, Mining-induced Rock Mass Failure and its Control
4. Academic Achievement
Published more than 40 journal papers, including journals in International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, and China Coal Society, et al.
Representative publications include: (* denotes the Corresponding authors)
[1] Yunjiang Sun, Jianping Zuo*, Murat Karakus, Jintao Wang. Investigation of movement and damage of integral overburden during shallow coal seam mining[J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2019, 117: 63-75 (Q1, Top, IF=7.4)
[2] Yunjiang Sun, Jianping Zuo*, Murat Karakus, Jinhao Wen. A novel method for predicting movement and damage of overburden caused by shallow coal mining[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53(4): 1545-1563 (Q1, IF=6.9)
[3] Yunjiang Sun, Jianping Zuo*, Murat Karakus, Lei Liu, Hongwei Zhou, Meilu Yu. A New Theoretical method to predict strata movement and surface subsidence due to inclined coal seam mining[J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54(6): 2723-2740 (Q1, IF=6.9)
[4] Yunjiang Sun, Jianping Zuo*, Changning Mi, Yubao Li, Genshui Wu, Meilu Yu, Junhui Yang. Investigation on fault activation–induced floor water inrush and its pressure relief control in a 1000-m depth coal mine[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82(6): 1-18 (Q1, IF=4.4)
[5] Jianping Zuo, Yunjiang Sun, Minggao Qian*. Movement mechanism and analogous hyperbola model of overlying strata with thick alluvium [J]. China Coal Society, 2017, 42(6): 1372-1379
5. Awards and Honors
[1] Excellent class teacher of China University of Mining and Technology (Beijing), 2022
[2] Second Prize of National University Outstanding Achievement Award, 2017
[3] National Scholarship for Doctoral Students, 2016, 2017